We are SO excited about high school winter camp for 2025! Camp will be held at the Schweitzer Chapel, where we will be studying the idea of "Choosing To Seek" and growing in our intentionality as it pertains to the way that we approach God. Camp will be from Friday, February 7, to Sunday, February 9. Deadline for registration is February 1st. Click here to register!
MEN OF CALVARY RATHDRUM! Join us on Friday through Sunday, March 28-30, for a time of fellowship, bible study, worship, great food and activities. Pastor Zach Lamberson from Calvary Mac will be joining us in sharing the Word and worship. We'll be staying at Riverview Bible Camp's Ponderosa Lodge on the Pend O'Rielle River in Cusick, Washington. Click here to register!
Our Men's Bible Study is currently on break, but we will resume studies once again on January 14. Studies are at 7:00 am or 7:00 pm. We are going through the book of 2 Peter. If you have any questions, you can email us here.
Ladies, you are invited to join us on Thursdays from January 23 to April 17! We will be studying through "The Life of Joseph" together! There are two opportunities to meet on Thursdays; either 9:30am or 7pm. Child care is only available at 9:30am. You will receive your workbook on the first day of study, there is no cost. Sign up here!
We encourage you to gather with us as the body of Christ on the third Monday evening of each month to worship, to pray, and to minister to each other through the Biblical use of the gifts of the Spirit. Mark your calendars for the third Monday of each month from 6:30-8pm and make it a priority to join with us!
On the first Monday evening of each month, we have our Women's Night of Prayer and Worship at the church building from 6:30-8:00pm. Come join us each month for a wonderful time of fellowship and time of worship and prayer.
Have you ever struggled with addiction of any kind? Maybe you have overcome it, or maybe you are chained by addiction right now. Join us on Fridays at 7pm for our new ministry, Redemption and Recovery. If you are interested in joining us or have any questions, please contact Dave Caudle - (509) 595-7773 or Kevin Hatcher - (805) 701-8112
Our Mission is to guide generations of courageous young men to honor God, lead with integrity, serve others, and experience outdoor adventure. We seek to produce godly and responsible husbands, fathers, and citizens. Go to findatroop.com to locate our troop.
AHG is a Christ-centered program for girls that focuses on character-development, teaches life skills, offers outdoor and high adventure programming, and develops girls leadership. If you have a school-age daughter - you should check out this tremendous program. In addition, there are many opportunities to volunteer and be involved with AHG.
We're a fellowship for local Christian singles (30's on up) in North Idaho that offers a great place of SAFE fellowship with other singles to learn, pray, and serve as we grow in Christ together (NOT a dating group). Meeting Monthly the 3rd Saturday of each month from 1:30 pm to 3:00pm at the Rathdrum Community Center. Click here for more information!
Early Riser? Join us for a short prayer meeting before our Sunday services begin at 7:20am. We meet every week, all are welcome to join! To ask for prayer, email Prayer@CalvaryRathdrum.com or text 208-687-4341.